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2022 UNL Wisherd Award for Outstanding Community Service

Congratulations to our own Alan Moeller in receiving the 2022 UNL Wisherd Award for outstanding community service! UNL Emeriti give of their time and talents to a host of university and community functions; and to receive this award is, indeed, a special honor.

Alan’s involvement in the Nebraska Elder Climate Legacy (ECL) has been profound in “promoting understanding and action for sustainable use of our natural resources and defense of the environment.” Particularly, Alan has worked tirelessly over the past three years on policy regarding the state’s rich agricultural lands. He was responsible for drafting and lobbying for the successful passage of LB 243 by the 2019 Nebraska Legislature. That bill established the Nebraska Healthy Soil Task Force which was successfully launched, and a comprehensive report completed by 2021. Alan then drafted the LB 925, “The Resilient Soils and Water Quality Act”, which is now pending before the Nebraska Legislature. This bill’s intent is to develop farmer-based learning communities with on-farm research/demonstration programs across the state. These will be critical in the transformation towards a more ‘climate smart’, ‘regenerative agriculture’ that will serve both agriculture and greater society.

Alan has also been a key force in ECL’s ongoing advocacy efforts for a state climate action plan. This policy would involve the University of Nebraska—Lincoln in developing and evidence-based and data-driven strategic action plan to deal with the impacts of climate change. While progress has been slow in the political process, this too WILL happen given Alan’s skills, civility, and passion—and those of other people like him.


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